Call Yu Cheng TCM at 6337 8579

TCM Treatments

By Yu Cheng TCM’s

Experienced Physicians

玉 成 中 医 中 心

Contact Us At

6337 8579 

Our TCM Treatments

Our TCM Physicians

Yu Cheng Traditional Chinese Medicine Hall is established with over 20 years of history. We are a top TCM Clinic and provide a range of TCM treatments or Chinese Medicine consultations in Singapore.

Jointly practising, Physician Jeng Shih Jong and Physician Tsai Yun-Huan are licensed by the TCM Practitioners Board, a regulatory body under the charge of the Ministry of Health in Singapore. Both Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Physicians came from Taiwan.

Our TCM Treatments

We have extraordinary achievements treating infertility, eczema, gynaecology, conditioning of cancer, adjusting the condition of diabetes and internal medicine etc.

We help hundreds of infertility patients fulfill their dreams of giving birth to a boy or girl. Also treat many cancer patients, lessen their pain, extend their life and gain back their health.

Regardless of treatment of illness or health preservation, we seek to improve the human body constitution and restoring health as our mission. Through the health concept of not bingeing (over consumption of food and beverages) and the ancient saying of “illness comes from the mouth”, we help patients pay attention to food hygiene, diet coordination, prevent the invasion of disease, this helps them to improve their body and restore health.

Our TCM Consultation

Based on your reason to visit us, we will ask questions related to your bowel movements, diet and medical history. We will feel your pulse to understand further. After which, a personalised herbal medicine powder treatment will be prescribed to you. Bring your identification card and any test reports you have.

Our TCM Medicine

We use herbal medicine powder that is Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Certified. The medicine is in powder form and you can mix with water to consume it. They are pack into individual sachets hence it is convenient to bring around.

TCM Infertility


TCM Eczema


TCM Gynaecology


TCM Cancer

Conditioning of Cancer

TCM Diabetes

Conditioning of Diabetes

TCM Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine

Better Health Care is Our Mission

Call Us For An Appointment Today.

6337 8579

Mon-Fri : 10am-7pm
Sat-Sun : 9.30am-4pm
Lunch Hr : 12pm-2pm
Close on Wednesday

62 Somme Road, #01-03,
Parc Somme,
Singapore 207877
(Farrer Park MRT)

Click Here For Map.